Awards & Recognition

The EFOA prides itself in providing the best football officiating possible in the Pacific Northwest AND by being good stewards of our community by recognizing and awarding good work being done by good people. Following are the descriptions for efforts and awards that we pay special attention to:

Sportsmanship Award

Each year the EFOA members vote on the school that has shown outstanding sportsmanship. This means that their teams had the fewest unsportsmanlike penalties and that teams, coaches, and fans exhibited outstanding sportsmanship. The winner of this award also receives a $1,000 college scholarship to be given to the football player of their choice. Click on the sportsmanship image to see the past winners.

Evans-Luse Scholarship Award

The Evans-Luse Scholarship was established to commemorate the lives of two outstanding EFOA officials, George Luse and Garrel Evans. The scholarship is given to the school that wins the annual Sportsmanship Award and the athletic department selects the recipient who must be a football player from that school.

Golden Whistle Award

The EFOA Golden Whistle award is presented at the end of each season to the outstanding varisty official as selected by a vote of their peers. Winners of this prestigious award represent the best of the best in EFOA. Their mechanics, rules knowledge and character both on and off the field represent the highest accomplishment for a football official.

President's Award

This award is given at the EFOA President's discretion to the official who (s)he thinks is most deserving.

Assignor's Award

This award is given at the EFOA Assignor's discretion to the official who (s)he thinks is most deserving.

Rookie of the Year Award

This award is given to the sub-Varsity Official who has shown the most growth over the current year.

EFOA Promotions

A person starting out as official is automatically placed at the apprentice level. After earning training points, officiating a minimum number of games, passing a written test and passing an evaluation, they can be promoted to the intermediate level. This usually takes about two years. To be promoted to the varsity level requires another written test, attending a summer camp, a minimum number of varsity level games, another evaluation and approval by the EFOA board of directors. This usually takes an additional one to two years.

Hall of Fame

This award was established to recognize retired officials who have made significant contributions to officiating and to the EFOA. Selection of the first inductees was made in August, 2011 with induction following in 2012. Click the coin on the left to see the members currently in the EFOA Hall of Fame.