
Our training page is currently being revamped.  Be sure to visit this page as we get closer to the season to get the latest information on training.

​Additional Training Materials

Gridiron Officials Camp
 Held in mid to late June, this is the premier camp for WOA Football Officials. Officials attending the Gridiron Officials Camp receive 8+ hours of individual and crew instruction in the classroom and on the field.  While here, officials join players and coaches on the field to hone skills, tune communications, and improve the game of High School Football.
WOA Play of Interest On this page you'll find plays that the WOA RTO observers found noteworthy on a week to week basis.
AzFOA Training VideoThis training video covers Downs, Fumbles, Forward Progress and the Goal Line.  Target audience: beginning and intermediates.
Blocking Below the Waist A great video screened during EFOA's general meeting on Aug. 17, 2021.